Our Staff
Our highly trained staff are dedicated to providing a fun, safe, learning environment for your child. All of our staff are required to be CPR and First Aid certified and to complete a minimum of 10 hours continuing education per calendar year.
Mrs. Stephanie
Ms. Stephanie has been with Triumphant Tots since 2008 and began working in childcare at the age of 16. She is our Assistant VPK Teacher. Her trainings and certifications include:
Florida Child Care Provider Certificate (FCCPC)
Director's Credential, VPK Endorsed
Introduction to Childcare ICC 20 Hour
40 hour childcare training through Department of Children and Families (as well as additional 10 hours per year)
Early Literacy
Come Play with Math
For the Love of Language and Literacy
Get your Motor Running
What Happens If...
Pinch, Pull, Poke, Fabulous Fine Motor Fun
Getting Organized for Learning in Preschool
Basic to Intensive Behaviors and What to do About Them
Child Safety and Prevention
Precautions in Transporting Children
Planning for Emergencies
Health and Sanitation
Safe Sleep Practices
Preventing Child Abuse and Supporting Children in Trauma
Safety in the Environment
Supporting Social and Emotional Development of Children in Mixed Age Groupings
Standards for Quality Afterschool Programs
Emergent Literacy for VPK Instructors
Pre-School Appropriate Practices
Special Needs Appropriate Practices
Standards for Four-Year Olds
VPK Assessment Instructional Implications
Integrating the Standards: Phonological Awareness
Integrating the Standards: Phonological Awareness/Practicum
How to Administer the Florida VPK Assessment
Adult, Child, and Infant CPR-AED, Choking Skills, and Basic First Aid
Portable Fire Extinguisher Training
Bloodborne Pathogens and Infection Control
Leading and Inspiring Little Learners
Implementing the Florida Standards in a Preschool Classroom 3 years to Kindergarten
Language and Vocabulary in the VPK Classroom
Mathematical Thinking for Early Learners
Florida Assessment of Student Thinking (FAST)
Preschool Language and Vocabulary Professional Devlopment
CLASS Group Coaching for Teachers Pre-K
CLASS Group Coaching for Teachers Infant and Toddler
Conscious Discipline
Ms. Stephanie is proficient in ASL.
Ms. Alexis (Ms. Titi)
Ms. Alexis is our Assistant Director and Lead VPK Teacher She began working at Triumphant Tots in 2010. In 2014 she went from full time to being only substituting during the school year and teaching summers. Her trainings and certifications include:
VPK endorsed Director's Credential
Florida Child Care Provider Credential (FCCPC)
40 hour childcare training through the Department of Children and Families (as well as an additional 10 hours annually)
Adult, Child, and Infant CPR-AED, Choking Skills, and Basic First Aid
Portable Fire Extinguisher Training
Bloodborne Pathogens and Infection Control
Emergent Literacy for VPK Instructors
How to Administer the FL VPK Assessment
Implementing the Florida Standards in Preschool Classrooms: 3 Years Old to Kindergarten
Language and Vocabulary in the VPK Classroom
Mathematical Thinking for Early Learners
Phonological Awareness Development for Preschoolers
Child Safety and Prevention
Florida Assessment of Student Thinking (FAST) Star Early Literacy
Health and Sanitation
Planning for Emergencies
Preventing Child Abuse and Supporting Children in Trauma
Safe Sleep Practices
Supporting Social-Emotional Development: Infant/Toddler & Preschool
CLASS Group Coaching for Teachers Pre-K
VPK FAST Star Early Literacy Training Course for using Star Early Literacy for Planning Targeted Instruction
VPK FAST Star Early Literacy Training Course for Star Early Literacy Screening Data and Reports
VPK FAST Star Early Literacy Training Requirements Course for Test Administrators Getting Started with the Star Early Literacy Assessment (English) (Spanish)
Conscious Discipline
Mrs. Rachellyn
Ms. Rachellyn has been with Triumphant Tots since 2008 and works in the office, substitutes in classrooms, and is in charge of general maintenance. Her trainings and certifications include:
Florida Child Care Provider Certificate (FCCPC)
Director's Credential VPK Endorsed
40 hours of childcare training through the Department of Children and Families (as well as an additional 10 hours per year)
For the
Love of Language and Literacy
Get Your Motor Running
The Peaceful Classroom
What Happens If...
Language and vocabulary for VPK Instructors
Getting Organized for Learning in Preschool
Basic to Intense Behaviors and What to do About Them
Recruiting childcare Staff
Quality Assessment and Improvement for Afterschool Programs
Effective Communication for Childcare Professionals
Fire Safety and Emergency Preparedness
Playground Safety
Transportation Safety
Early Literacy for Children Birth through Three
Emergent Literacy for VPK Instructors
Adult, Child, and Infant CPR-AED, Choking Skills, and Basic First Aid
Bloodborne Pathogens and Infection Control
Portable Fire extinguisher Training
Child Safety and Prevention
Health and Sanitation
Planning for an Emergency
Open the Door to Outdoor Fun and Learning
Preschool Science: Sense of Wonder and Discovery
Mathematical Thinking for Early Learners
Implementing the FL Standards in Preschool Classrooms: 3 years to KG
Language and Vocabulary in the VPK Classroom
Phonological Awareness Development in Preschoolers
Medical Assisting with Phlebotomy
Law Enforcement
Conscious Discipline
Ms. Sara
Ms. Sara is our Director. She has been with Triumphant Tots since 2014. Her certifications and trainings include:
VPK endorsed Director's Credential
Florida Child Care Provider Certificate (FCCPC) Birth - Five
40 hour childcare training through Department of Children and Families (as well as additional 10 hours per year)
Literacy for Children Age Birth to Three
Florida Standards for Four Year Olds
Preschool Learning Environments
Emergent Literacy for VPK Instructors
Getting Organized for Learning in Preschool
Preschool Language Development
Safety in the Environment
Safe Sleep/Shaken Baby Syndrome
Health and Sanitation
Preventing Child Abuse and Supporting Children in Trauma
Child Safety and Prevention
Basic Fire Extinguisher Training
Adult and Child CPR and First Aid
Effective Operations in Early Childcare and Operation
Building Relationships with Students
How to Administer the Florida VPK Assessment
Helping Students Want to Achieve
Preschool Trauma Informed Care
Professionalism in Early Childhood Education
Book Embedded Vocabulary Instruction
How to Administer the FL VPK Assessment
Implementing the FL Standards in a Preschool Classroom: 3-KG
Language and Vocabulary in the VPK Classroom
Mathematical Thinking for Early Learners
Preschool Language and Vocabulary Professional Development Coach
Getting organized for Learning in Preschool: Act 1 & 2
Precautions in Transporting Children
Trauma Informed Care: The Impact of Toxic Stress on Preschoolers
Preschool Family Engagement
Guiding Preschool Behavior and Building Classroom Community
CLASS Group Coaching for Teachers Pre-K
Conscious Discipline
Ms. Rachael
Ms. Rachael works in the Flamingo room with our 3 - 4 year olds. She began working at Triumphant Tots in 2013, when she turned 16. In 2019 she left us to try out something new but decided that she really loved childcare and returned in 2020. Her trainings and certifications include:
Florida Child Care Provider Certification (FCCPC)
40 hour childcare training through the Department of Children and Families (as well as an additional 10 hours per year)
Adult, Child, and Infant CPR-AED, Choking Skills, and Basic First Aid
Portable Fire Extinguisher Training
Bloodborne Pathogens and Infection Control
Safe Sleep Practices
Planning for Emergencies
Preventing Child Abuse and Supporting Children in Trauma
Child Safety and Prevention
Health and Sanitation
Safety in the Environment
Conscious Discipline
Ms. Drea
Ms. Drea is our 2-3 year old teacher. She has been with Triumphant Tots since 2016 and has been in childcare for 10+ years
40 hour childcare training through Department of Children and Families (as well as additional 10 hours per year)
Literacy for Children Age Birth to Three
Safety in the Environment
Health and Sanitation
Preventing Child Abuse and Supporting Children in Trauma
Child Safety and Prevention
Adult, Child, and Infant CPR-AED, Choking Skills, and Basic First Aid
Portable Fire Extinguisher Training
Bloodborne Pathogens and Infection Control
Health and Sanitation
Preventing Child Abuse and Supporting Children in Trauma
Safety in the Environment
Child Safety and Prevention
Supporting Children with Developmental Disabilities
Infant and Toddler Appropriate Practices
Early Learning Standards Birth-Five
Ms. Bri
Ms. Bri has been with Triumphant Tots since 2022. She currently works in the Beluga room with our 1-2 years olds. Ms. Bri's trainings and certifications include:
Supporting Social Emotional Development of Preschool Children
Supporting the Social-Emotional Development of Infants and Toddlers
Safe Sleep Practices
Planning for Emergencies
Preventing Child Abuse and Supporting Children in Trauma
Child Safety and Prevention
Precautions in Transporting Children
Health and Sanitation
Supporting the Social and Emotional Development of Children in Mixed-Age Groupings
Safety in the Environment
Adult, Child, and Infant CPR-AED, Choking Skills, and Basic First Aid.
Portable Fire Extinguisher Training
Mr. William
Mr. William has worked at Triumphant Tots since 2020 and is currently an Assistant Teacher. In the mornings in the Flamingo Room and the afternoons in the VPK Room. He is a dual enrolled student through FLVS Highschool and at CF working toward his A.S. in Biology. William's trainings and certifications include:
40 hour childcare training through the Department of Children and Families
Adult, Child, and Infant CPR-AED, Choking Skills, and Basic First Aid
Portable Fire Extinguisher Training
Teacher Chris
Ms. Chris is our afternoon teacher in the Firefly room. Her trainings and certifications include:
Supporting Social Emotional Development of Preschool Children
Supporting the Social-Emotional Development of Infants and Toddlers
Safe Sleep Practices
Planning for Emergencies
Preventing Child Abuse and Supporting Children in Trauma
Child Safety and Prevention
Precautions in Transporting Children
Health and Sanitation
Supporting the Social and Emotional Development of Children in Mixed-Age Groupings
Safety in the Environment
Adult, Child, and Infant CPR-AED, Choking Skills, and Basic First Aid.
Portable Fire Extinguisher Training
Ms. Kalea
Ms. Kalea works in the Beluga room in the afternoons. She is currently a high school student and part of the ROTC program at her school. Her Trainings and certifications include:
40 hour childcare training through the Department of Children and Families (as well as an additional 10 hours per year)
Portable Fire Extinguisher Training
Ms. Amelia (Ms. Mimi)
Ms. Amelia is our morning Door greeter, early afternoon cleaner, and dance choreographer for Christmas and graduation programs. She is currently a high school student through FLVS. In her free time Amelia is a competitive dancer on a local dance team.
Substitutes/Seasonal Teachers
Ms. E"Lisa"beth
Ms. Elisabeth has worked at Triumphant Tots since 2018. She is an 8th grade Math teacher at Howard Middle School and works at Triumphant Tots during vacations and holidays filling in where needed. She attended Trinity Baptist College in Jacksonville, FL where she was part of the softball team. She hopes to one day coach High School Softball.
Her trainings and certifications include:
Bachelors Degree, Secondary Education and Mathematics
40 hour childcare training through the Department of Children and Families (as well as an additional 10 hours per year)
Adult, Child, and Infant CPR-AED, Choking Skills, and Basic First Aid
Portable Fire Extinguisher Training
Associate of Arts Degree
Human Growth and Development
Ms. Catelyne
Ms. Catelyne has been working at Triumphant Tots since 2017. She is currently a 2nd grade teacher at Sparr Elementary and works at Triumphant Tots during vacations, filling in where needed. Her trainings and certifications include:
Bachelors Degree in Elementary Education
Supporting Social Emotional Development of Preschool Children
Supporting the Social-Emotional Development of Infants and Toddlers
Safe Sleep Practices
Planning for Emergencies
Preventing Child Abuse and Supporting Children in Trauma
Child Safety and Prevention
Precautions in Transporting Children
Health and Sanitation
Supporting the Social and Emotional Development of Children in Mixed-Age Groupings
Safety in the Environment
Adult, Child, and Infant CPR-AED, Choking Skills, and Basic First Aid.
Portable Fire Extinguisher Training