"Play is the most powerful form of research."
-Albert Einstein
Our "Beluga" room is for children 12 months to 2 years. In the Beluga room we are developing our gross motor and fine motor skills. With these skills we can do things such as; climb, sit at the table, feed ourselves using utensils, and hold art tools. We are learning math concepts through patterning, comparison, sorting, and counting. Our baby Belugas are learning self-sufficiency and how to interact with other children in a social environment. The curriculum used in the Beluga room is; Kaplan's Learn Every Day and Beyond Centers and Circle Time.
Our "Firefly" room is for children from 2 to 3 years old. In the Firefly room we continue to build upon the skills learned in the Beluga room while incorporating more complex concepts. At this age children are beginning to learn to play with their peers cooperatively. Potty training is a very important step for every child and we are happy and excited to work with each family to help your child achieve this goal. The curriculums used in the Firefly room are; Kaplan's Learn Every Day and Mother Goose Time.
Our "Flamingo" room is for children 3 to 4 years old. In the Flamingo room we continue to build upon all we have learned in the Beluga and Firefly rooms while continuing to grown and work on more complex concepts. Children must be potty trained to move to the Flamingo room. The Curriculums used in the Flamingo room are; Nemours BrightStart and Mother Goose Time.
Our VPK class is for children who are 4 years old by September 1st and will be entering Kindergarten the following year. VPK is a FREE program in the state of Florida for all children who meet the age criteria regardless of family income.
Our VPK is an opportunity for your little one to develop the skills they will need for kindergarten. Using Mother Goose time curriculum we have monthly themes that incorporate literacy, math, phonics, gross motor, fine motor, character development, social/emotional, and relationship skills. Another focus in our school is on our behavior and how it affects our ability to learn and the impact it has on others around us. In VPK children will have homework and sight words to bridge the gap between home and school. As the parent you will be able to see what we are working on in class, and support what they are learning at home. The Class DOJO is another tool we use to keep our parents up to date, using the app we are able to track behavior, communicate personally, and give you a view into our classroom with pictures and videos. Our goal is to make learning fun and getting everyone involved through dress up days, school projects, donuts with dad, muffins with mom, and more! You can check out our calendar for a complete list of activities. Thank you for the opportunity to be a part of your little ones life.